Do you live for smooth music, silly hijinks, witty banter, and fun-loving art done while you wait?
Come over to Twitch on Mondays and Thursdays and catch me honing my craft starting at 7:30PM EST!
I’ll often do votes for fan submissions between streams and work on the fan ideas on Thursdays!
Like video games? I play them on Tuesday afternoons starting at 3:30PM EST. On Saturdays, I am joined by DJBabyJames and Tristamgreen for Minecraft!
Monday: 7:30 PM EST – 10:00 PM EST
Tuesday: 3:30PM EST – 6:30PM EST
Thursday: 7:30 PM EST – 10:00 PM EST
Saturday: varies
older streams
Interested in catching some of my older streams? Head over to my YouTube channel to see collections of the prior works I’ve done!