Hello, Cozy Gang!
Welcome to another great week! It’s really hard to believe March is already here, and with it has come pollen, sneezing, and all manner of spring cleaning! Are you doing any special spring cleaning?
Many thanks last Thursday to Cozy Gang friends EveOnBee and MrGenericName for the dual raid during my Thursday stream! Make sure to go and give them some love!
Streaming Schedule for Week of Mar 13
Monday 7:30PM EST: Art Stream featuring the March Cozy Sticker Club!
Tuesday 4:30PM EST: Aliens and Tentacles and Black Ops, oh My! We’re going back to Black Mesa!
Thursday 7:30PM EST: Art Stream with this week’s fan vote winner!

Please come by and check out the stream Monday and Thursday at 7:30pm EST for artwork and chatting, and Tuesday at 4:30pm EST for gaming! As always, follows and subscriptions are appreciated but never required!