Appearance Update: Charlotte Geekery Market and Podcast

Hello Cozy Gang!

If you mosey on over to my events page, you’ll find that I have an upcoming appearance/artist booth at the Charlotte Geekery Market coming on November 4. In celebration during the lead-up to this, my friends at the Guardians of the Geekery asked me to be on their podcast!

Please enjoy the video below, and head over to their website as well to show them some love! See you all November 4! Event information is after the video.

Event Information:
November 4, Cabarrus Arena and Events Center, Concord NC

Streaming Schedule for Week of September 18 2023

Hello, Cozy Gang!

I hope your weekend was great! I had a short adventure with my guys this weekend as we went down to Savannah Georgia for a visit. It was great getting out and walking the town and discovering new sights! Do you like short weekend trips? I’d never been before so it was nice to visit a new place.

My streaming schedule isn’t changed much from last week, so I look forward to hanging out with all my cozy friends again this week!

Streaming Schedule for Week of September 18

Monday 7:30PM EST: Cozy Art – Lotte from Little Witch Academia

Tuesday: 4:30PM EST Cozy Gaming – Cult of the Lamb – More Dungeons!

Wednesday 6:30PM EST: Cozy Gaming – Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 3 (Day 44)

Thursday 7:30PM EST: Cozy Art – OC Halloween Art

Please come by and check out theĀ stream Monday and Thursday at 7:30pm EST for artwork, Tuesday at 4:30PM and Wednesday at 6:30PM EST for Cozy Gaming with Christine! As always, follows, bits, donations and subscriptions are appreciated but never required!

Streaming Schedule for Week of September 11 2023


I hope everyone’s doing well, I’ve got a new format for streaming! I am now streaming four days a week, with two days for art and two for gaming!

I’ve begun streaming on Wednesdays as well, playing Minecraft in a Hardcore world! I died on the 41st day on my first go, and I’m on Day 24 on my second attempt so we’ll keep it going as long as I can!

Let’s get to it!

Streaming Schedule for Week of September 11

Monday 7:30PM EST: Cozy Art – Lotte from Little Witch Academia

Tuesday: 4:30PM EST Cozy Gaming – Cult of the Lamb – More Dungeons!

Wednesday 6:30PM EST: Cozy Gaming – Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 3 (Day 24)

Thursday 7:30PM EST: Cozy Art – OC Halloween Art

Hope to see you in chat!

Please come by and check out theĀ stream Monday and Thursday at 7:30pm EST for artwork, Tuesday at 4:30PM and Wednesday at 6:30PM EST for Cozy Gaming with Christine! As always, follows, bits, donations and subscriptions are appreciated but never required!